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Objective: Most souls, after separation or death as it is usually called, ascend automatically but a few, who were not prepared for this traumatic experience, have difficulty ascending and finding their way home. Our job as living guides is to provide assistance. We do that by calling them to our light which they use to guide themselves towards their final ascension.
As a tribute to their passing, I will record here, their names, date of ascension, and their last words.

27/11/03 Aderee: "Don’t want to believe. Thanks Egis. Bye now. Era see you later. See you again."

16/01/04 Carlos Fuentes

"Stairway to Heaven"

On a clear and bright
Truly starry night,
Should you see
A moon beam,
Shining bright.
Its just the angels,
Changing their shift,
A pathway to heaven,
A stairway, a lift.
Refreshed and uplifting,
Angels for tomorrow,
Waiting to comfort,
Any Breaking Hearts sorrow.

The Living Guides

Toria - Aberbeen, Yvonne Pepin - Port Townsend, Barbara Boyo - Lacey, Ahmad Jamal - Pennsylvania, Pierre - London, Ho - London.


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